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Project Entry by gorram Cult of Games Member

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Getting Started

Tutoring 1
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Idea 1

I had a totally different project in mind for Dungeonalia but for reasons that don’t matter I decided not to bother with it right now. I’m working on two big armies in a fairly short time scale and I’m mindful of burning out. I had been planning on using Gaslands as a break but I’ve found that converting the cars is fun in a way that I really want to take my time with. Looking around for something else I could get painted up and some solo games started in a quicker timeframe, here’s where I landed.

Over Halloween last year Mantic did a half price sale on the Hellboy board game. I picked up the core box and one of the expansions, put them in the board game cupboard and there they have stayed since. Focusing on the core box for right now, it should give me a good few months of gaming.

Hellboy is a fantastic series of comics and the art style is so distinctive that to not try and paint the minis in a similar style would be a waste. Obviously the translation of a 2d style to a 3D object might throw up some issues but in terms of painting it should be an interesting challenge. As a starting place for research, I headed to Epic Duck over on YouTube who has done a ton of comic style tutorials over the years. Searching through their back catalogue there was one of a Hellboy bust. It is a good video, with enough starting point information.

Hardship now as I have to grab some of my Hellboy graphic novels to reread… the things we suffer for our art!

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Jill GorramsundancerSquirrel Lord Recent comment authors
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*dances from foot to foot*
did you get started on it?

Cult of Games Member

Huh. That is fun. I can’t look at the project but I *can* see this entry because the RSS feed told me “someone commented here. Here is the direct link”. @tgu3 might want to look into this me thinks. XD

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