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HeroQuest Painting Blog (Dungeonalia)

HeroQuest Painting Blog (Dungeonalia)

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Starting the Monsters

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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So now it time to get started on the monsters but which ones to start first. I decided to paint the undead models first as I thought those could be done pretty quickly. Fortunately they were quick to paint, the skeletons and mummies painted up really nice and easy.

I gave them a coat of Flayed One Flesh and then a wash of Nuln Oil before I started adding some layers. These painted up really quickly, the red used was a contrast Blood Angels Red. The aim was to make the miniatures look a little worn and dirty, as I feel that’s how undead should look.

Starting the Monsters
Starting the Monsters

Now the Undead were finished I painted up the Gargoyle, and this was done really fast making use of contrast and washes. He came out pretty OK, a nice table top finish, though I think the Undead look better. Once the Big guy was complete I painted up the Frogmen. These I started with an undercoat of light grey, then gave them a wash of  Army Painter Military Shade. Then I painted the flesh with GW Contrast Creed Camo. I then used an old yellow glaze from Games Workshop.


Starting the Monsters
Starting the Monsters

I decided to paint the armour looking parts dark brown before giving it a coat of Retributor Armour, the coat of dark brown prior to this gives the Retributor a more dull appearance.

The next to paint are the goblins, then the orcs before finally getting to the heroes.

Starting the Monsters
Starting the Monsters
Starting the Monsters

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