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Escape Vault 99: A Dungeonalia Inspired Fallout Adventure

Escape Vault 99: A Dungeonalia Inspired Fallout Adventure

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Into the Mystery

Tutoring 2
Skill 1
Idea 4
Your starting crew.  Note: the updated Fallout Wasteland Warfare rules mean that you ignore the armour values on the cards and instead only use the values of equipped armour (in this case the vault jumpsuits).  Both characters are equipped with a jumpsuit, a stun baton and a stimpak.  At the time of writing the happy but confused couple are worth 321 points.  This will influence the quality and quantity of enemies they will encounter!Your starting crew. Note: the updated Fallout Wasteland Warfare rules mean that you ignore the armour values on the cards and instead only use the values of equipped armour (in this case the vault jumpsuits). Both characters are equipped with a jumpsuit, a stun baton and a stimpak. At the time of writing the happy but confused couple are worth 321 points. This will influence the quality and quantity of enemies they will encounter!
Into the Mystery

In addition to the core rules, this adventure utilises the “Into the Vault” expansion from Modiphius.  This is one of the simpler expansions to make use of as the only printed components you need are the cards to randomly generate the rooms.  You can print these on any printer, but I had them printed onto double sided card by Doxdirect so I just had to cut them out.  I also had the rulebook printed because I like a printed rulebook, but if you are comfortable with 1’s and 0’s you can squint at pixels instead.

Into the Mystery

The “Into the Vault” rules require you to choose a faction for the enemies that you will face, and then select ‘Major’ enemies (up to 2/3 of your starting squad value), ‘Minor’ enemies (up to 1/3 of your starting squad value), and ‘Critters’ (up to 1/4 your starting squad value). These are then generated randomly as you procedurally generate the vault during the quest.

Here we will use the Major, Minor and Critter as intended, but for the purposes of our story we’re not sticking to one faction! I’m keen to leave as much open, for the story to emerge, as possible.  Directionally, I know where the spine of the story is going for this adventure, but I know nothing about the world outside at this stage (which is the fun part of Fallout!)

On that basis, I am going to pre-select my ‘Minor’ enemies, without randomisation, as they will be key to the story, but will create larger pools for Major and Critter, using the points values as the only criteria, to create more surprises!

When I come to write up the scenario for others to play, I think I will leave the choice of enemies fairly open for the player to choose.  Not everyone owns every faction, and even fewer have them all painted.  I myself own most of the models, but the majority are in the ‘pile of opportunity’ so that has influenced my choices too for my own adventure.

Last thing to do before commencing the game proper is to name my characters.  I thought about naming them after myself and my wife in real life, but then wondered how I would feel if Mrs Danegan got gutted by a Deathclaw..!!  So to keep her safe I will name the male sole survivor Leeland, and his partner Lucie.

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Cult of Games Member

Loving this so far. Have recently just started my own little campaign too so will be following this with interest.

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