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Escape Vault 99: A Dungeonalia Inspired Fallout Adventure

Escape Vault 99: A Dungeonalia Inspired Fallout Adventure

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Designer’s Note #2

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 5

So our Vault Dwellers are about to leave the vault… or are they? It wouldn’t be a long scenario if we left it here now would it..?! Their dungeoneering is adventure is far from over. They are about to find out that it hasn’t even started..

We’ll get back to them soon, but there are some more Designer’s Notes to cover.

When I started thinking about the overall project, I had to decide where to set my campaign. I imagined that my fallout game could fit within the canon Fallout universe. Modiphius’ miniatures range covers all of the factions and key characters from Fallout 4, and many from the other games. I wanted to ensure it wouldn’t be out of place if these factions and characters turned up in my campaign, and do my best to stay true to the official canon. So, to make @Warzan proud, I decided to game in the gaps. Someone online made a map showing the locations of all the existing Fallout games. And I’ve found my gap. The Cincinnati region around the Kentucky/Ohio border!

Designer’s Note #2

Another important part of the Fallout universe is the specific vaults that events take place in. I searched the Wiki to find a vault number that didn’t exist in the current canon, nor planned in any known upcoming media.

Vault 99 was the choice!

Designer’s Note #2

Specifically, I decided that the location of Vault 99 is a town called Independence, Kentucky.  You can see it half way down the left hand side of this map.  The rest of the area of this map is the wasteland to be explored by the adventurers on their future campaign.

Assuming they make it to the wasteland of course!  If Vault 99 has its way, they may not get that far!!

Designer’s Note #2

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Dan (@DarkDanegan)danlee Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I do hope your protagonists make it to “Grant’s Lick” before the campaign is over.

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