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Trafalgar 1805 - the leeward line

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 6
1 Comment
Trafalgar 1805 - the leeward line

Today we played the leeward line scenario from warlord games which zoomes in onto the battle of trafalgar.

Turn 1: opened a bit disapointing for my franco spanish fleet. The brits opening up with their bow chasers while the franco spanish fleet didnt hit anything in return.

Turn 2: the thing started getting messy for my opponent and this was one reason we had to rewrite the victory conditions. We didnt really read or ignored the victory conditions here so my opponent turned most of his fleet southwards. Bahama and Algerisas both took heavy beating.
The Fougueux got a broadside from Royal Souvereign, her rudder got damaged and she steered right into the Santa Ana which did enough damage to let the Fougueux strike her colour.

Turn 3: The Pluton finally found a weak point in the british line following the Royal Souvereign while Tonnant, Mars and Belleisle firing into Bahama and Algesiras until both ships, now on fire, strike their colours.

Turn 4: The Bellerophon tried to sink Pluton but despite her damage she still managed to fire into the stern of the Royal Souvereign, taking out a mast and finally let Collingwood strike the colours. Santa Ana and Monarca meanwhile setting course to intercept Colossus and Bellerophon.

Turn: 5 The crew of the Pluton had to strike the colours because of a fire. 4 ships out of 9 out of service. Themis and Cornelie rammed each other because they are way to inexperienced to evade.

Turn 6: In the north Colossus and Belerophon got into a fight with Monarca and Santa Ana, Bellerophon now on fire. In the south Tonnant, Mars and Belleisle heading towards a mostly undamaged Indomptable.

Final Round. The Bellerophon sinks due to fires, together with all the other burning ships wich we forgot due to the fact that they stike the colours and did not participate in any role. The Franco Spanish fleet therefore gains the victory.



turn 1turn 1
Turn 2Turn 2
Turn 3Turn 3
Turn 4Turn 4
turn 5turn 5
Turn 6Turn 6
final roundfinal round

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