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Dungeonalia - There's Something Amiss at the Abbey

Dungeonalia - There's Something Amiss at the Abbey

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It's starting to look like something and dungeon planning.

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8

Well with basic paint on most of the exterior of the buildings and walls it was time to turn my attention to the interiors, add/painting details and basic dungeon planning. Furniture started being pumped out from the resin printer and the filament printers started making specific dungeon tiles. I had picked up my Printable Scenery rampage tiles from the high school gaming club and started playing with ideas for the three main dungeon locations.

The resin 3d printer was also being used to print out vegetable rows for the Abbot’s garden, which may feature a special little “cabbage” I had sitting around from a Reapers Bones Kickstarter. A side note on resin 3D printing: Personally, I recommend always wearing gloves when working with the resin. This includes handling the resin bottle and the prints even after curing. The resin reacts pretty much instantly on skin contact and can cause painful drying and irritation. I personal try not to handle any of my resin prints with bare hands until after undercoating. Also, I recommend using a water washable resin, so you don’t have to use rubbing alcohol which is also toxic and a skin irritant.

The initial plans for the dungeon sections was to have a small chamber under the Abbey, which connects to a slightly larger crypt under the Abbot’s house and the much larger main dungeon under the scriptorium.  As I was printing out new dungeon tiles, I discovered I had committed a cardinal sin…I ran out of filament. A quick amazon order later and we’ll be back in printing business next week. Until then resin printing and paint will be the main objective. Now it’s off to the hardware store to pick up materials for the base of the project and dungeon.

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Cult of Games Member

Hi @hpdandy great project. The layout is really impressive and I’m sure it will make a splash at the convention. Just one thing (which if I don’t point out I suspect the school kids will) but “abbey” is spelt with an “e” before the “y” not “Abby” which is short for the name Abigail. A minor point but it kills me every time I log in to check on your progress!

Cult of Games Member

2024-01-23 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

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