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Collins Does a German Winter Offensive

Collins Does a German Winter Offensive

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Someone call Recce? Sd.Kfz. 222

Tutoring 8
Skill 7
Idea 8
started with VMC German grey. its really dark!started with VMC German grey. its really dark!
dry brush a lighter grey and gloss varnish. apply decals with micro sol and set then revarnishdry brush a lighter grey and gloss varnish. apply decals with micro sol and set then revarnish
cover in your wife's best hairspray and then spray with off white paint (not primer!)cover in your wife's best hairspray and then spray with off white paint (not primer!)
use a wet brush to 'chip away' at the white paint. anything that doesn't come off when you want it to, hit with airbrush cleaner.use a wet brush to 'chip away' at the white paint. anything that doesn't come off when you want it to, hit with airbrush cleaner.

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Cult of Games Member

if my winter Germans turn out half as good as these I will be happy

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