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The Wolf of Languedoc - A 28mm Diorama

The Wolf of Languedoc - A 28mm Diorama

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Disaster and Repairs.

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9

Hi everyone,

If there is one thing I have striven to do for the last few years – is to finish what I start. In my youth I started and discontinued more projects than I care to remember.

Fast-forward to today, things have changed and I have altered my crooked ways, but sometimes things happen. A note in point with this project!

After attaching the vegetation in the last post, the next step was to pour in the resin. I had some resin I had used in other projects and applied that. This was a 50% resin/harderner ratio – so very simple to mix. The curing time was normally 24hrs.

The problem was two-fold.  The first was that the diorama was not properly sealed so some resin started to pour out.  The second problem was that the resin would not cure!

I honestly did not understand what I did wrong, I poured it in the right proportions, I mixed it well before pouring and yet it would not cure. Some local modellers told me it is because the hardener was old and off.  Whatever, it did not matter much now!

All I could do was cover it up and leave it, hoping the resin would cure eventually. Several months later and two weeks ago, the resin had hardened enough to work with.  It was still sticky, but the leak had settled.  So I decided to pour some UV hardening resin on top and cure it with a UV  lamp.

It seems to have worked, so now I will continue to work on the waterfall.  I found some transparent tubing at my local gardening shop.  I do not know what it is used for, but it was ideal for me.

I heated the tubing up in order to straighten it. Then I cut it in half and glued it into place as supports for the cotton-wool and acrylic-gel I will use to mould the water with.

This is my first time making a waterfall.  I hope nothing else goes disastrously wrong!

Transperant tubing from my local gardening store.Transperant tubing from my local gardening store.
Cut out several pieces and dipped them in hot water to straighten them out.Cut out several pieces and dipped them in hot water to straighten them out.
Hot water works like a charm.Hot water works like a charm.
Tubing attached with hot glue and ready for the cotton.Tubing attached with hot glue and ready for the cotton.

The next post will be my last and this project will definitely be ready.  I wanted to add more to this post , but it seems the gel is taking ages to dry due to the cold weather.

Therefore, it might be several weeks before this is ready, but since I have waited so long, a little bit more should not hurt!

Until I cross the finish line with this one, stay safe and have fun.



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