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Modular Gaming Tiles

Modular Gaming Tiles

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The Story So Far

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 4
No Comments

Here are the first six tiles.

The Story So Far

Some of the tiles are flat and that’s necessary as they are part of my gaming table for RPG’s and board games which has an outer frame of wood with ten of the tiles as filler in the middle… over which I throw a 6×4 mat on games night… so I need a flat surface… flat-ish anyway…

However, some of the water feature tiles are flat enough to fill that role.

The water effect was created with a sheet of plastic ‘water’ that I bought for a railway project. Don’t recall the specifics, but I found it on ebay. Discovered that the best way to is to paint the bottom surface of the water, not the top. That water is a mess… it was an experiment… I hope to fix it with contrast paints.

That means 8 tiles can have raised… or lowered… surfaces and they are the ones I’ll do most of the work on for this project. Trying to avoid buying more tiles at this point, but I will if necessary.

Today I was supergluing magnets to stalagmites and pillars, but I found that the magnets are not very strong when passing through the mdf and cork tiles, so I’m going to have to work on that.

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