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Hobby Sprints - The 2024 Plan

Hobby Sprints - The 2024 Plan

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January Progress

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 8
January Progress

Goal 1 ticked off!

January Progress

Goal 2 achieved on 14th Jan!

January Progress

Goal 3 achieved on 16th Jan!

Battle Report and Game Overview

With the “sprint” achieved on 16th January, I’m happy. In hindsight it perhaps wasn’t the most stretching set of goals,  but I did put some significant time into it. More than I put into some months last year. I’m not complacent though, new year new motivation, we need to see how it holds up throughout the year!

January Progress

Having completed the January Sprint, I even had the urge to immediately put a couple of hours into a different project – a project that had gone a bit off the boil. Very pleased with that!

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Dan (@DarkDanegan)sundancernightrunner Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I read through the project. Good luck with the plan – I could not manage this. I am more of ‘I choose to do this project now and I will finish this’ kind of person.

Also, great work on the minis.

Cult of Games Member

2024-01-16 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

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