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Legion's Bobperialis

Legion's Bobperialis

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Who love's yeah baby !

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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The title of this will only make sense to people of certain age !

My next unit as see previously was to build an finish all the little Imperial Knights in my pile of shame. Now originally I done them as House Terryn , which is the house on the box and most of art for the bigger brothers.

I wanted  a loyalist scheme quicker to do so on perusing the Loyalist Titanicus looke for Knightly Houses associated with the Raven Guard and found  House Col’Khak’ which for ease is Kojak , hence entry title . This house is A Mecanicum house which alos makes it differ from previous house painted.

It was also fairly easy and quick to paint :

Basic coat of Army Painters Chain mail ,

Nuln oil wash

Dry Brush with Army Painter Shining Silver

( this did all the metallic’s particularly the metal decoration on the armour panals )

Red bits done with  GW  Gryph Hound Orange Contast

(gave nice metallic red finish)

Black Bits GW Black Templar Contrast thiine to 75%

Odd bits of exhaust then given a bit of Sephia Wash for a copper/Bronze effect and pretty much done

The bases were covered with odd bits of MDF offcuts from various models to represent small walls and concrete walkways,

Parts of the basw were given a coat or Valleyo textured paint.

All above was coated in Gw Wraithbone ,

Textured bits got a GW agfaros Dunes coat

The raised bits were given a sepia Wash

and the Tarmac was the base texture of base with a coat of Gray Seer Contast

All were then dry brushed Wraithbone and a fine dry brush or Corex White .


Questoris KnightsQuestoris Knights
Castallan KnightsCastallan Knights
Who love's yeah baby !
Who love's yeah baby !
Who love's yeah baby !
Who love's yeah baby !

The one thing I hadnt got for the House Terryn Force was a Porcupino (I think thats what its called) Knight , so that was done in a similar way to above , using mainly Tallasar Blue , the fine metal work being over done with eithr Sepia Wash or Speedpaints Zealot Yellow .

Who love's yeah baby !
Who love's yeah baby !

Finally I used 2 different Vanishs, I used Vallejo Matt on the Models as I wantedca slightly gloss metallic Finish  .But used AK Ultra Matt for the bases.

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