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Hobby Sprints - The 2024 Plan

Hobby Sprints - The 2024 Plan

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So how did 2023 go?

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 7
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At this time last year, I did some deep soul searching about how to get out of a bit of a hobby rut and get more done.  This involved taking a good look in the mirror, understanding my motivations, and re-thinking how I would approach my hobby.  I set this out in a project here.

Key to that plan was giving myself a simple goal of hobbying on as many days as possible. No rules about amount of time on each day, nor any specific output goals.

The result was that I hobbied on 145 days.  I only counted working on miniatures, not preparing for games, playing games or updating projects etc.  Sounds quite impressive, that’s basically hobby every other day, but if I am honest the overall output didn’t increase from the previous year.

Part of the reason for the output was that I had some large armies that I was working on.  I put quite a bit of work into them, but the projects were nowhere near finished.  So I shouldn’t feel too bad about that.  But on the flip side, the large armies are a bit of a slog and I think motivation suffered as a result.  I didn’t really leverage my “hobby sampler” approach that I said I needed at the start of the year.

So, not a bad year by any means, but not revolutionary.

So how did 2023 go?

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