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Resistance is Futile

Resistance is Futile

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Commencing Assimilation

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
Commencing Assimilation

The Test Piece

Printing in simple black PLA, the first print came out fine. For Paints I grabbed a cheap gunmetal craft paint, a basic green, a yellow-green and then a florescent green, and a bronze color to break up the black & green.

Commencing Assimilation

A quick drybrush of the gun metal over the whole thing, the base green here and there, a couple of touches of the bronze, and then roughly highlight with the yellow-green, and then wash over all the green bits with the florescent green.


I touched a few spots with some other colors, but when it comes to smashing out a whole 4’x4′ table, that will simply take too much time, just going to stick with the greens, gunmetal and bronze.

Commencing Assimilation
Commencing Assimilation

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Triståndeamonwolf Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

this is an amazing project, what will you be using for Borg ? and what gaming system will you be using? cant wait to see its completion

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