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In Space No-One Can Hear You Meme

In Space No-One Can Hear You Meme

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Oh What's He Up To Now?

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 8
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The meme that launched a thousand quipsThe meme that launched a thousand quips

Having found laurels quite singularly uncomfortable for resting on I was struck by some random inspiration on Discord.

So, what I plan to do in this projects is:

Print and paint a bunch of Star Trek and Star Wars minis,

Come up with a mildly ridiculous scenario, something about retrieving some plans on a droid, R2-Data.

Using my Grinning Gargoyle facility box set, create an enclosed  indoor gaming area, almost like a dungeon 😉 , and paint up some set dressing.

Finish off with a battle report and then  home in time for space tea with lashings of Romulan Ale/Blue Milk depending on who wins

Set phasers to fun.


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horati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

In this episode we see phasers set to “Blammo!” and witness the sharp eyes of troopers finally track the red color like in practice. This is going to be brutal.

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