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2024 Hobby Log

2024 Hobby Log

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January 1st - Looking Forward

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 8
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Each year I try to rein in my hobby butterfly with some goals. 2023’s were largely successful so this year’s build on those.

  1. Play more games. Last year I got to meet Woodstock and had some great game days with them. I played with a few other people and, even when I didn’t enjoy the rule sets, the games were fun. This year I’d like to play more games with more new people. If I could get to the table with something twice a month, that would be fantastic. Solo games would also count for this.
  2. Paint for more charity events. I used to do a 24 hour charity stream every year but my health doesn’t really mean that is possible these days so focusing in on other ways I can contribute to charity work would be nice. After the success of The Ginger Dwarf raffle and the Space Ducks projects over the last two years, giving my hobby time feels like a logical way to do that.
  3. Finish up the year with more models painted than unpainted in my collection. I have fallen back into bad habits over the last couple of years, especially when my mental health is bad, buying models I don’t need and can’t really afford and then doing nothing with them. Being honest with myself, there needs to be a big cull but also just working on painting existing projects will help.
  4. A big group game for a big celebration in the summer.
  5. Try going to tournaments – likely Kings of War. I’ve never been to any kind of tournament and it is a side of the hobby I’d like to try. I’m a scrub player but I want to see what another way of playing looks and feels like.

This PLog

These Hobby Logs tend to be where I post about all the minis that don’t fit into other projects but that are still part of my hobby.It could also be called the Odds and Sods Logs.

I think this year I’ll also do a monthly round up including everything across all the projects – mainly so it is easier for me to keep track of what I’m doing.

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Cult of Games Member

*claps* Good to have a goal and a head full of steam as you charge into the new year. Paint up/give away what you don’t find the joy of having about. Be sure to use what you have the most fun with in game systems that bring you happiness (i.e. the games that involve you getting out of your head and out with other people).

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