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Dungeonalia - Necrothrall does Drow (and other beasties)

Dungeonalia - Necrothrall does Drow (and other beasties)

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Evil Beginnings

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 8
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So while I wait for my mate Rob to print me some drow I’ve decided to crack on with some other beasties, the first of which is the one in the project thumbnail (the spider, not my head). This will act as the boss of the encounter.


This is the Epic Encounters Spider Tyrant from Steamforge games. It’s sodding big. I game it a prime of Halfords grey, which I pre-highlighted using the slap-dick method. After that I started blocking in the colours using various contrast paints. I’ve gone for a not-at-all realistic paint scheme in order to lower the chances of one of the players freaking out and yeeting it across the room. Don’t get me wrong I want to freak them out, but not to the extent that a reasonably weighty, spider-shaped missile is hurled across the venue.

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horati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great idea for using fear as motivator to the game. In game the PCs are pushing through terror from the threat of mortal danger. Out of game the players push through their real life fear and then, hopefully, get to see the eventual triumph over their fears in a safe place. Good thinking and good luck.

The painting of such a great figure will go swimmingly as you have good blocking.

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