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Part 1 - New Year, New Plans

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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With Business Daddy still not being able to deliver Legions Imperialis, I was looking for a new project to start 2024 with. I have a Kings of War army to work on for a slow grow but I wanted something to break up the mon-orc-ony. Something that could be finished in a month or so, and would be good for getting games in with people I don’t normally game with. Being January, trying to do it without spending any more money meant going for something that I already owned minis for. I have a bunch of the Osprey Blue Books but haven’t actually played any of them so they were top of the list. The game that meets all these needs was Gaslands!

The scope of the project then looks a little something like this:

  • Read the rules
  • Watch great movies for inspiration
  • Mod car models for a few players to start out with
  • Make templates and dice out of things I have
  • A 4ftx4ft table’s worth of suitable terrain again from things I have around the house already

The last one is the most intimidating but I’m sure I have stuff that I can re-purpose or scratch build from junk. First though, to the rulebook!

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Cult of Games Member

Inspirational movies: All the Road Warrior series (i.e. Mad Max), Death Race 2000 (with Carradine and Stallone.. remember hand grenades), skip Fast and the Furious franchise

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