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A Black Seas spanish fleet - part 2: the 3rd rates

Tutoring 3
Skill 7
Idea 6
my spanish fleet in all her mightmy spanish fleet in all her might

I finished of the two 3rd rate ships Bahama und Monarca.

All of them together give me a nice little 1000pt fleet but our main goal is to go for some historical szenarios.

I started Bahama before I even start painting Santa Ana as a test ship hence the missing running rigging. Overall I think she came out ok but she lack the detail the other two vessels got.

For Monarca I used a painting of Nicholas Pocock as a reference for her colours.

Both are 74 gun ships of the line and both will be part of my franco spanish fleet in our upcoming Trafalgar game. Well at least a part of Trafalgar.

We will using the Leeward Line szenario from Warlord Games

Black Seas: The Battle of Trafalgar

This is basically just the part of the whole battle were Collingwoods line clashed into the franco spanish fleet.

I will borrow the french ships from my opponent as it will take to long for me complete the whole fleet.

So at the start of 2024 we will play this szenario and we will how well the horrible skilled spaniards will perform there.

The szenario from Warlord GamesThe szenario from Warlord Games

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Cult of Games Member

All the rigging!

Cult of Games Member

Exactly my thought

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