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Manda's (Amachan) Hobby with Disabilities.

Manda's (Amachan) Hobby with Disabilities.

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Quick Update.

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 10

Just a quick and small update on Stumpy, I fixed most of the stuff I wanted to fix and covered him with a matte varnish with my airbrush, which is still wet in the picture, to protect the acrylics from all the stuff I am going to throw on it later. Not technically necessary if the acrylics are left to cure properly for some time, but it also gets rid of any of the shininess of some of the acrylic paints.

Quick Update.

One thing I really started to notice is that at times you can’t easily reach something with your brush and the angles you have to approach things as are completely opposite from what I am used to. This is the biggest problem I have found so far to painting with my left compared to my right. Another issue is, that when I used to come across this issue when I was painting with my right I could just for that little bit paint it with left in order to reach that. I can’t really use my right hand to paint any more, not even small bits it is just too unstable. I am finding my way around it and mostly this just requires more practice to overcome.

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Amandadanleesundancer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

nice work. Keep at it 🙂

Cult of Games Member

Instead of using your right hand for hard-to-reach bits, can you achieve the same goal by holding the mini upside down?

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