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Monkey Business As Unusual

Monkey Business As Unusual

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Not an ex-parrot but back from the dead

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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No image as the last phone died with the photo onboard

In the second to last UHH I was embarrassed to see that I was featured not once, but twice for projects I had on hold. It’s no real harm but it does remind me to get off my butt and work on things from time to time. I’ll just say that this update, in my opinion, makes up for the whole debacle. I am pulling a canceled project back from the land of the dead to inadvertently give it life and call it complete.

So I thought to myself in a long monologue of statements, “Hey, I got this figure lying about I should do something with it. I should really get around to painting this sometime. This would really look cool with some color on it; I’ve got just the paint for it. I should give up on this as I don’t think I’ll get around to painting it. OK, it’s painted, now I just need an address.”

I reached out to a long time friend of mine but had no idea where to send the figure. My friend from the long long ago went radio silent and seemed to go on with their life. The mini sat in its box, ready to be sent, without attention and unmarked on a shelf with an unknown future. The future was to be as wonderful as any velveteen rabbit could hope for.

Giftmas preparation season came around again and sorting through boxes to make sure packages were set to right ensued. It was time for this little monkey to make his presence known once more. It was time to figure out who to gift it to. Thankfully it was easy to figure out as a Secret Santa was kind enough to send a goodwill figure to me.

So here we have it. A gift was given with joyful intent and a mini meant for the same purpose was given a home. The spirit of Giftmas has been made manifest and the world is happier for it.

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