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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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136 MTG: 34 Models in 24 Days Part 4

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3

I’ve been on leave for 1 whole day and I’ve got a whole lot more done than I’d hoped. I’ve finished 4 of the 5 Bone Eaters. The fifth has a whole other model slung over her shoulder. I painted the swords on the Godhand and the Bone Eater Survivor (Same name, but different character from the same box. That’s not confusing at all) with the Bone Eater blades. Then the Smog Eater flesh went smoother and faster than I thought, and their masks and smoke were all done in time for a few episodes of Lower Decks before bed. That’s 7 models finished today.
My target of 33 models was wrong as I apparently can’t count. Helena has 7 models in her box not 6. So thats 34 models I want to paint. This leaves me with 6 left to paint, all of which have work already done on them, and 9 days left. Tomorrow it’s Survivor flesh and Lion pelts.

136 MTG: 34 Models in 24 Days Part 4
136 MTG: 34 Models in 24 Days Part 4
136 MTG: 34 Models in 24 Days Part 4

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Cult of Games Member

A lot of KDM models are very weird, but your painting of them is great.

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