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American Civil War - The Regiment from country roads West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River

American Civil War - The Regiment from country roads West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River

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Tigers on the Loose

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
1st Louisiana Regiment (Louisana Tigers) Zouaves - For my scheme I'm going for accuate, not perfect.1st Louisiana Regiment (Louisana Tigers) Zouaves - For my scheme I'm going for accuate, not perfect.

The regimnet of Zouaves had been staring at me needing painted for months. I knew I wanted to do the Louisianna Tigers and would have to paint striped pantaloons. After painting most of my other regiments I took the plunge, but first some research.

Spending a few hours on the internet I found that my intial impressions of how to paint this regiment may have been wrong. Sources seemed to be contradictory about what colour the uniforms are. Everything from blue to brown due to poor quality dyes.

Another problem was which regiment they were talking about. I am writing this from memory months later but the Original Louisana Tigers were first a company, then the regiment took the name, then other regiments wanted to be Tigers. As well the 1st Louisana Regiment was the origins of the Tigers but then the officer in charge (Coppen) forms his own regiement (Coppen’s regiment), I was getting the impression that some of the info I was reading was mixed between Coppen’s Regiement and the new 1st Louisiana.

Anyway I didn’t have the time to untangle all this as I had already spent considerable time researching it. Ultimately I’m happy with my results. I want things to be accurate not perfect.

Skin Cadian Flesh Tone GW
Hair Black 70.950
German Grey 70.995
German Cam. Med. Brown 70.826
Ushabti Bone GW
Fez/Turban Mephiston Red GW
Tunic McCragge Blue GW
Braiding and Border Mephiston Red GW
Pantaloons Wraithbone GW
Stripes Calgar Blue GW
Boots Flat Earth 70.983
Gaiters Zandri Dust GW
Bread Bag and Straps Stone Grey 70.884
Canteen US Field Drab 70.873
Bottle Top Lead Belcher GW
Straps Stone Grey 70.884
Ammo Pounch and Belt Abbadon Black GW
Rifle Body Wood Grain 70.828
Metal parts and bayonet Lead Belcher GW
Rifle Sling Abbadon Black GW
Officer Buttons Gold 70.996
Flagstaff Wood Grain 70.828
Staff Top Gold 70.996
Drum Frame New Wood Panzer Aces
Drum Skin Zandri Dust GW
Drum String and Straps White Scar GW

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