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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Completed Starter Factions

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Just in time for Christmas, our starter factions are complete. First up, here’s my Cult of Yurei starter set in all of its resplendent glory

Team photoTeam photo
Lloyd ShotLloyd Shot

My son has also completed his Temple of Ro-Kan starter set. By his own admission, he doesn’t like painting models that much and to this point, I think he’s only painted 3 in his life. He finds it quite challenging and much prefers reading the cards, meta gaming and playing the game. But, he was quite keen to get stuck into these and I also bought some speed paints for him to lower the entry level for him. He actually started a couple of them before I had even primed them, painted straight on to the bare metal. Those got several coats of varnish to try to protect them as much as possible.

I think he’s done a great job with them

Temple of Ro-KanTemple of Ro-Kan

We did have one casualty of war. The sculpts for the game are lovely and the Temple of Ro-Kan models really have a dynamic look. However, a number of the models are balanced on one foot. I’m not a big fan of this, especially for gaming pieces and GW have been doing this for some time now with their BB models. They get broken easily. In this case, not only are some of the Temple models on one foot, their on tip toes as well. This particular model eventually just fell of the base slot. I’ve no idea how to get her back on as her leg is very thin and pinning will be a challenge. Maybe a tactical rock or something…..

Completed Starter Factions

Starting the arms race.

Not part of the Temple of Ro-Kan starter set but one of my son’s favourite models is Kuma, the bo staff wielding panda. This is also the start of the arms race. Everyone knows that starter sets are just that, a starting point. Kuma delivers a big punch and coupled with my son’s other recent purchases (Master Po etc), he’s wiped the floor with me in the last couple of games (more battle reports to come!). I have some models up my sleeve that, once painted, will get deployed into the fight.

We both have additional stuff on our Christmas list, so as long as we have been good this year, the 2024 arms race is well underway.

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