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Orcs & Goblins: the Old World

Orcs & Goblins: the Old World

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Solo Troll

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 5
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Solo Troll

It’s the troll from the Battle for Skull Pass box. I had no intention of painting it, as I don’t like the miniature so much.

But once primed, I thought it would be a quick project with some drybrushing.

I actually like the model once it is painted. Since it is the only stone troll I have (so far), I will probably use it as a goblin unit filler.

I planned on finishing the first phase of my Orc and Goblin army by the end of 2023.  Surprisingly enough, I am almost done and the only thing left to paint is another orc warboss mounted on a converted chariot.

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