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Collins Does a German Winter Offensive

Collins Does a German Winter Offensive

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1000 point list

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 9
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link to easy army list

I’ve decided I want to have a recon themed list. so I’ve gone for minimal infantry mounted in small halftracks (250 variants) and a 222 armoured car.

problem being that halftracks are quite expensive at veteran level but I expect (from memory) dealing with a lot of armoured vehicles can be quite difficult as BA is more of an infantry game. Sure everyone can have access to AT guns in varying sizes but you won’t take out 4 vehicles in 1 turn and they all come with machine guns which leans heavily into the germans strength in the game. all the shots, all the time.

so the basis is 1 officer squad, a light AT rifle team, 5 small 5 man infantry squads all with machine guns with a smattering of SMGs and panzerfausts, 3 of the smaller 250 half tracks and the 222 with the recce rule.

This provides 30 soldiers, half on foot and half mounted, and a small amount of AT, only really +2 on the pen value (from the rifle and the 222) so if they run up against a serious tank I might have an issue but I’ll be able to get 3 shots a turn at it from 2 angles so hopeful for some luck (and 6 fausts hitting +6 pen if I get close enough).

The big benefit for this list is the 9 machine-guns, that’s a silly amount of dice to throw each turn before adding in rifles or SMGs etc. I also refused to put assault rifles in the list as last time I played BA you couldn’t move for being peppered by assault rifles, apparently Germany didn’t use the Kar98k as far as BA players are concerned.

However I think the biggest weakness is the halftracks, if the infantry dismounts and then gets killed or flees the battle the battle-taxi will get knocked out with them almost by default so I’ll need to be careful with them in order not to lose points unnecessarily.

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