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The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted

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136 MTG: 33 Models in 24 Days Part 2

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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6 more models ready for the finishing touches. That’s 13 of 33, with 12 days off left. 8.2 models ahead of schedule, but it’s looking like I might lose this Saturday to friends popping round, and the same for the 27th. How dare people want to spend time with me at Christmas? Don’t they know there’s important things to be doing? It’s also likely to take best part of a day to base and varnish everything. I also expect the Kingdom Death models to take a lot longer than the Godtear ones.

Tonight I start work on the airbrushed steels, then focus on Helena and her followers.  I’ll probably start with their flesh tones, and paint Keera’s flesh at the same time.

Jeen from GodtearJeen from Godtear
Her followersHer followers

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