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I'm going to have a Bar Room Brawl this Christmas!

I'm going to have a Bar Room Brawl this Christmas!

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Week 2 Summary

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4

Not much of a ramble this week as not a lot happened other than the calendar and the fact I have everything up to day 12 painted.

I’ll start with the simple things first, everything got a prime in either black or grey followed by a zenithal of white.  All the wooden items were painted the same as last weeks with Xpress Color Wasteland brown.  The fireplace was a simple black/grey paintjob on the stone with a wooden mantle although I did add a bit of red/orange OSL into the hearth and some darkening over it to represent smoke damage.

The braziers were painted with Pro Acryl bronze with black Xpress Colour for the coals and a glaze of red/orange over the centre of this.  These were then attached to some cobble bases I had previously made to add some stability.

Talking of the braziers , those weird spikey bits that came in the bag of little items – flames for the braziers as far as I can tell but for now I have left these and the other tiny items stuck to a painting stick until I find out if they play a part in the rules.

Touched up the nose on the female hero from last week.

I had planned to try NMM for the first time on the Bouncer’s armour but realised it had too many separate panels in different facings so stuck with Pro Acryl dark and light silver.  The cloth parts where painted in a simple black Xpress Color – this colour scheme is based on the bouncers in Tux’s from the nightclubs of my youth.  The red hat and book add some visual interest and if your name isn’t in the book you aren’t coming in! As a bit of an aside I once went to a Lindesfarne Christmas concert and the Bouncers in monkey suits were sticking party hats on everyone.  You didn’t refuse (I said no once and was growled at).

The Dwarf Barman, that was obvious, Santa but I went with the green as I guess Coca Cola wasn’t invented at this time.  Again it was basically just an Xpress paint job with the dog being painted using Speedpaint Hardened Leather.  But check out the filthy grey cloth, maybe not the best place to drink.

I finally gave all the models a coat of Satin Varnish.  And now on to next week  – not long to go now.

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sundancerleftnotrace Recent comment authors
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I thought I had an extra base… until I opened a window to find a miniature missing a base… assumed it just slipped from one spot to another.

Cult of Games Member

I had this happen to me now 3 times XD

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