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Advent Calendar - Bar Room Brawl

Advent Calendar - Bar Room Brawl

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Day 14. Likely the final table.

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 1

14 days in, no mince pies consumed, still in the hunt for Whamgeddon and a total of two presents bought.

Today my questing finger heads towards the bottom row of Ron’s Box of Festive Delights. This would imply more scenic doohickeys.

And true to expectations it’s a third table. The board implies it’s the last one. We’re getting close to a complete game.

As sundancer helpfully points out it’s only the second table. My memory is pish and the images on the board are brightly coloured. No prizes for guessing the content of one of the unopened big doors then.

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somegeezersundancer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Third table? So far I have a bench, a square table and a round table (when I get home) so my guess is: there will be one more bench, table and some chairs again.

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