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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Cult Starter Set: Ibara

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The game is a little sketchy on what or who Ibara is. But given the face covering and robes, perhaps he or she likes it that way.

Within game, they’re quite a cheap model to take and provide an average combat ability. They’re main weapon is their Ki Feat that allows them to blast fire markers onto enemy models from afar. When used with the Crush the Oppressed event card that the Cult of Yurei can take, you can double any markers in play. Double the fun!

I wanted Ibara to be very muted. Given the face mask and low key clothing, they’re clearly not trying to draw attention to themselves. So I’ve opted for a black and dark green. The black is my usual approach, a base of dark rubber with a nuln oil wash (times 2). I then highlight up the raised areas using dark rubber and then a mix of dark rubber and luftwaffe grey. The green was a base of German Fieldgrey with a grey wash for shading. I’ve then highlighted up using fieldgrey mixed with elf green.

The headband and belt I’ve picked out in the warband theme colour of purple. Leggings were a simple bone given a wash and then highlighted. I’ve used a shiny bronze for the pot and the prongs of the farm implement. This was given a strong tone wash and then just left as it was as it looked fine.

Cult Starter Set: Ibara
Cult Starter Set: Ibara
Cult Starter Set: Ibara

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