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Waelstowe - solo wargaming in the Dark Ages

Waelstowe - solo wargaming in the Dark Ages

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A bit about Waelstowe, the rules I use - the battlefield

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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After decades of wargaming, it dawned on me how much time movement of figures takes.

I also became fed up with the impact that precise positioning makes; in particular the way that this affects the types of battlefields that I wargamed on, but also how the battlefield looked after a few turns – the position of figures and units just didn’t ‘look right’.

So I started to ‘experiment’ with gridded battlefields.  But it had to ‘look right’.  Then it dawned on me that clump foliage, rocks, single trees etc. could be used to create an aesthetically pleasing gridded battlefield.

A bit about Waelstowe, the rules I use - the battlefield

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