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Project Cornetto

Project Cornetto

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Back on the Road. Part 2

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Yep. I was overloading.

Road repairs/Road repairs/
Drybrushing the town. Drybrushing the town.

I finished the mass grave and added in some of the bodies from Antenocitis workshops to finish the touch. Very grim.

I finished painting the road works, where I had copied Solo Wargamers idea of card straws and filler to look like protruding pipes.

I then started to add more textured paint over masking tap to create the illusion of repair works on the road. This ended up being a bit of a long process and so I skipped to just painting corvus black over the road still using the masking tape. This saved so much time and looked the same as the sections where I applied more textured paint.

I dry brushed on corax white road markings for pedestrian crossings, but I had already decided that I would not add any other UK style road markings as I still wanted to be able to use the tiles for American roads as well. I will make unique roads for the big build but this would be separate from the tile system anyway.

Road repairs close upRoad repairs close up
Dry brushed pedestrian walk.Dry brushed pedestrian walk.

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