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Waelstowe - solo wargaming in the Dark Ages

Waelstowe - solo wargaming in the Dark Ages

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Battle on the river Stour

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Edmund then gets into a series of wars with the resurgent Welsh, lead by Hyffaid of Dyfed. God forsakes the Anglians and Edmund is captured and has to accepts Hyffaid as his overlord, losing claim to all but Anglia. Edmund rebels and drives out those Anglians that had thrown in their lot with the Welsh. Hyffaid responds quickly and corners Edmund at a small market town on the River Stour

I was the Antagonist (defender if you will) in a solo game against the south Welsh of Hyffaid. I’d lost a couple of solo games already against the Welsh, so I thought even harder about this one. I spotted the way the terrain had been set up and saw my opportunity. If I moved Edwin behind the woods, the Welsh were bound to advanced towards me and their formations break up as they entered the woods. Thus weakened I could send Wilfrith, Edmund’s right hand man to smash the disorganised Welsh.

Edmund and Wilfrith confer about Edmund's plan to use himself to bait the Welsh into charging him.  Edmund and Wilfrith confer about Edmund's plan to use himself to bait the Welsh into charging him. "Make sure you don't come to my aid too late", Edmund tells Wilfrith.

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