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Hobby exploits 2020 and onward

Hobby exploits 2020 and onward

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Final Push of 2023 - PanO

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I painted a fair number of minis in November.

In this post you can see my new PanO troops, I tiled the pictures to minimize my interaction with the project system.

Anyway, there we go:

Joan d'Arc. Converted (I hate gore sculpts) and painted with oils.Joan d'Arc. Converted (I hate gore sculpts) and painted with oils.
Knight of Santiago Hacker, painted in oils.Knight of Santiago Hacker, painted in oils.

Above are my 3 fusiliers from 2014, painted in oils.

And finally some 3d-printed robots to stand as Mulebots in PanO armies. Painted in oils, designed and sold by Unit9.

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