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I'm going to have a Bar Room Brawl this Christmas!

I'm going to have a Bar Room Brawl this Christmas!

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December 6

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 4
December 6

Missed another day of uploading but now I have seen the light.  Yes this one was a brazier on a pole, some of this scatter terrain intrigues me – is it just for flavour or will it have some part in the rules?

I will probably attach this to a 25mm base to give it a bit more stability, I have some resin cobbled bases I made a few years ago that I made by cutting up bits of sprue, gluing to a cardboard disc then making a silicon mould.  These along with some simple wood picture frames and a wooden door and frame combo make great dump moulds for any excess casting resin you may have mixed up. 6 days in and some actual hobbying tips!!

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Anthony Waggettsomegeezersundancer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Yours looks way more straight than mine or others I’ve seen. All way bendy and such. Good idea on the base

Cult of Games Member

Agreed on the base. I’ll totally steal that idea. I’ll have a go at straightening the pole and just live with it if needed.

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