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realm of chaos: blackened skies

realm of chaos: blackened skies

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Chaos good (bad?) boys

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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twisted abominations taking the vague forms of dogs, following their current master they have eaten well and will continue to do so.

nothing too special here just some models from the gamesworkshop chaos warhound set. paint job wise I chose to stick with straght forwards with orange skin and gray fur covered regions and horns/spikes, all of which were hit with some nuln oil. I gave a bleached bone look to the faces as well as the ears, at least on the one that has decernable ears, as well as a couple of choice bits of mutation. Simalar to other members of the warband I scattered a couple of skulls across the bases as a part of the skull lands basing.

So as mentioned else where the hounds were the test for the newer methord of portraying layer upon layer of ash. the skulls were done in a basic bone colour, though making sure they do not look bleached, what with the smoke chocked skies and all. Additnal to the skulls i added some flattened out balls of green stuff to imply other skulls that are buried under the ash, which were also given the bone colour.

As mentioned elsewhere the ash is a mixture of bicarbonate of soda, cheap white and black acrylic pain, mixed to be gray, and pva glue. this recipie also works for snow if you skip the black, and can even self level when mixed 1:1:1 ish.

so in terms of mutations and such earned in action we have had the following.

After game number one the chaos pupers gain rapid regenaration. In mechanical terms when one of them goes out of action I roll 2D6s if either of them rolls a 4+ then a model returns from the dead. Whilst we have been playing mordheim they have technically ran in units of one however in fantasy battle a maximum of two models can resurect in this manor.

After game two they rolled limb loss, halving their movement charactistic, though this has not been modeled as it would requie cutting legs off of model dogs and frankly that is a level of cruel I am not quite prepared for.

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Cult of Games Member

Demon doggos! Good stuff

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