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Seldon9 is Painting Conquest - The Old Dominion

Seldon9 is Painting Conquest - The Old Dominion

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The Basic Unit Scheme Part 1

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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The Legionnaires and Praetorians come on the same sprue. I wanted a reasonably quick way to paint them and this was my first method.

Fraid I can’t find the colours I originally used. I began by undercoating them with a dark blue sprayed from the bottom up and darkish brown leather colour from top to bottom.

The Basic Unit Scheme Part 1

Next I took the following steps:

  • Paint the armour with Vallejo Metal Color Steel.
  • Paint Contrast Blood Angels Red on the red areas.
  • Paint face masks white.
  • Dab white, Vallejo Cavalry Brown (70.982), Scale75 Sky Blue (SC-50) and various metallics on shields and other weapons.

Dabbing paints just meant using sponges, dry brushes and brush tips to make paint marks. It’s all to give an old, wasted look.

The Basic Unit Scheme Part 1

I added a little sepia wash at the base of the shields. Then I chucked a purple oil wash over the troops.

The Basic Unit Scheme Part 1

I wasn’t overly taken with this scheme. It took too long and didn’t quite feel right to me. But I needed this inital set done so I pushed on with it.

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