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Seldon9 is Painting Conquest - The Old Dominion

Seldon9 is Painting Conquest - The Old Dominion

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Basing for Storage and Games

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Conquest miniatures generally come in groups of four to a stand. Each is also individually based for use in the First Blood skirmish game. Originally we removed figures from a base as they took damage but in v2 we just mark damage.

For storage I plan to use magnetic basing. So, I magnetised the rank base with a 5mm x 4mm magnet.


Basing for Storage and Games

Next up I magnetised each miniature’s individual base with a 3mm x 1mm magnet. Then each slot on the ranking base got a 5mm x 1mm. The early bases were a pain to set up but newer bases have some guide slots that make this easier.

Basing for Storage and Games
New ridge in the bases to make magnetising easier.New ridge in the bases to make magnetising easier.

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