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Tales of a hobby butterfly

Tales of a hobby butterfly

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Christmas game at wayland games

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 4
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Got my yellow and green dudes on the table, had no clue what I was doing but it was fun rolling buckets of diceGot my yellow and green dudes on the table, had no clue what I was doing but it was fun rolling buckets of dice

Every year we try to meet up for a game around Christmas time, because of work this is the closest we coukd get.

The game played over 3 tables with nuts vs golden Boys on one table, blood angels vs space wolfs and a three way of squats vs dark eldar and guard.

I learned two lessons don’t get in a knife fight with dark eldar and don’t get in a gun fight with guard.

The mission was to capture santa who randomly wanders the table after being shot down. You have to capture and escape your table edge with the jolly fellow. After 5 turns santa managed to evade our best efforts to capture him with only the dark eldar capturing him for a turn before escaping.

I stupidly told the opposition the squat bikers were my favourite so they were wiped out in the first turn, luckily I did get to see them again by using a cp to bring in reinforcements.

The dark eldar hold a moral victory As they were able to erase Marbo before he could cause any mischief as well as taking straken out in close combat.

The catchans did well also by taking out both my and the dark eldars warlords.

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