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Draconis does.... Kings of War Vanguard

Draconis does.... Kings of War Vanguard

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Clans persons progressing

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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27th November 2023

Got in a couple of short sessions since last update, and made a bit of progress. They still look a bit pants to me, but I’m hoping it will turn around at the end.

I worked on the straps, belts, wrist wraps and boots.

Then I started adding some hair colour to most of them (still some blond and grey to work on), weapon hafts, a bit of work on shields, and some skin tones.

Overall a bit piecemeal still, and I think that working on ten at the same time perhaps isn’t the right way for me at the moment. Luckily for the rest they are in twos, so hopefully that should help.

I also think that not having a coherent approach to them from the start has hindered me a little too. Hopefully I can finish them this week, then get into the restic ones perhaps. Busy time of year, but if I can get some good sessions in I may have them finished before Christmas…. And maybe even have time for a quick battle before the end of the year.

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