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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Oki Shisa

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The Temple of Rokan can run some characters that are effectively temple statues. They come in two flavours, the smaller, less powerful Shisa and the more powerful Oki Shisa. Some time back, I 3d printed the Shisa and painted these up with a simple bronze effect. My son quite liked these and then wanted the bigger, ‘better’ version.

I searched the various stl file locations for a suitable file and found a free one that had been uploaded of a scan of a real world temple lion with a baby lion. Once downloaded, it was a simple job to scale it to the correct size and then virtually attach it to the correct base size (40mm round in case you were wondering). This then got printed out.

I wanted to keep the paint job simple here and given that they are statues, this should be possible. As the smaller Shisa were painted up as bronze statues, I want these to be jade in appearance.

I’ve started off with a zenithal highlight. I’ve then taken a bit of sponge and stippled the model with white and black. My thinking being that jade is not always a uniform green and the stippling will look like natural colour variation.

Oki Shisa

I’ve then given this a couple of coats of green ink. Firstly applied all over and then the second and third layers from top down. Once dry, I’ve varnished and flocked the base and job done.

It’s not the greatest paint job and could have done with a lighter touch with the stippling and perhaps a satin varnish rather than matt (I might correct this). But for a simple paint job, it works and didn’t take long.

Two finished Oki ShisaTwo finished Oki Shisa

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