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Into The Atmosphere Processor

Into The Atmosphere Processor

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The classic

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 9
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The leading edge games version of Aliens is still my favourite. I've played it more than any other board game. It's quick it's easy and it's fun and can be made as complicated as you like. I've had it over 30 years and obviously looks the worse for ware. I've always wanted a 3D version and now seems the perfect time to have a go. I'll be concentrating on the atmosphere processor hive when the marines have to escape to the APC. Lv427 designs recently did stl files for their version of the board but I'm not too happy with the lack of hive slime on the walls. I guess they thought people might use it for other games so I'll be 3d printing znd converting.The leading edge games version of Aliens is still my favourite. I've played it more than any other board game. It's quick it's easy and it's fun and can be made as complicated as you like. I've had it over 30 years and obviously looks the worse for ware. I've always wanted a 3D version and now seems the perfect time to have a go. I'll be concentrating on the atmosphere processor hive when the marines have to escape to the APC. Lv427 designs recently did stl files for their version of the board but I'm not too happy with the lack of hive slime on the walls. I guess they thought people might use it for other games so I'll be 3d printing znd converting.
My original metal minis with 30 year old paint schemes. I haven't the heart to repaint them. Look at those eyes. Slthough I'd be looking like that if a xenomorph was chasing meMy original metal minis with 30 year old paint schemes. I haven't the heart to repaint them. Look at those eyes. Slthough I'd be looking like that if a xenomorph was chasing me

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