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Late Roman Saga

Late Roman Saga

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The lists

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Got my delivery of Romans.Got my delivery of Romans.

I failed to give my friend guidance on what to build to make a Saga ready list.

Now I can see the bits up close I will paint the minis in batches that make sense unit wise.

The first idea looks like this:

1 warlord on foot

1 warlord on horseback

4 Hearthguard Cavalry

12 archers

4 Hearthguard on foot – sword and board

4 Hearthguard on foot – (kitbash painted already)

4 Hearthguard on foot – spear and shield

8 warriors – shield and spear

(With four similar minis on standby with extra spears to convert the warriors into a levy javalin unit if preferred.)

A standard bearer (can’t recall how these work in game or whether they get assigned to a unit.)


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