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Malifaux Title Masters

Malifaux Title Masters

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Shadowy figures

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Misaki was my first master for Malifaux! She always had these really dynamic poses for her older models, but her new model is very subdued (for story reasons).
The version I used for her is actually her 1st edition sculpt that they redid in plastic as a special edition. In that sculpt she is standing on a rock, so thats how I did her whole crew. I kind of hate when models come with basing features, but oh well.

English Ivan is the other master in this box. He is a shadow man that summons shadow monsters. I found a cool tutorial from Eons Of Battle for blackstone fortress bases. They have these lines in the floor with osl, and I like the way it plays with shadows and lines, so I decided to base my Ivan crew like that. Mixing the 2 will be weird.

I had 2 Ivan bases already made up from when I did the rest of the crew last year. Basically they are made with cut plasticard, and then spraying the airbrush along the seams, but using a card to block one side so the light only goes one way. Its a cool effect and easy to do.


For Misaki I started with trusty cork sheet, ripped into a small piece that will fit her feet. I then filled in around it with sand. For the mixed base I decided that it is going to look like the darkness realm is phasing in to the forest where Misaki is, so I added some cork to the edge of one of the Ivan bases.

Some easy highlights on the rocks to make em look like rocks, and brown with a light brown drybrush on the sand, and they are all set. Simple but effective.

Misaki looks like a simple paint job, just a bunch of flowing robes and a mask. But in reality, the sleeves of the robes have this small pattern sunken into them that is yellow in the art.

I started them off by thinning down some light gray and painting it into the recesses. I wasn’t too careful doing this cuz it was all going to be painted over anyway. After that I did the same with the yellow, only thinning it a bit more than normal. I then just wiped my finger across the top, which did a good job of removing the yellow on the raised parts. When it came time to do the main part of the robes, I just did a very careful overbrush to fill in and bring out the pattern. For some reason the highlight on the robes dont look as bright in the pictures, but I’m happy with how it all came out.

Ivan and Jin were more simple paint jobs, with the exception of the now signature magic swoosh that seems to show up on half of these models. For Jin the magics were coming out of his coat and I had to sort of blend them together which was interesting.

For Ivans jacket I did a dark brown wash over brown, and then drybrished with an orangey brown, to give it a leather look. I like how it came out. I used to do the highlight with a gray-brown but that give it a more worn look. This way is better.

Getting close to the end now. Adding the bushes to Jin and Misaki’s bases makes them tie in a lot nicer, and im surprised at how well the 2 styles blended. His basing style is a tough one to mix, but hopefully I won’t have to do too many more like this in the future.


And now some lore!

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