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Dungeonalia - Hall of Hero's

Dungeonalia - Hall of Hero's

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Tammy “Coppertonk” – Teifling Wizard

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 1
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Character Background

Adopted by a Gnome couple, when just a wee baby. Thus having no recollection of her Tiefling past. Why or where Mr and Mrs Fitzstrom Coppertonk adopted Tammy is still a mystery. They just simply wandered off one day on ‘a short holiday’ and came back with a purple-ish horned-and-hoofed baby, carrying a small white handkerchief embroidered with the name ‘Tammy’. And she’s been known as Tammy the Tiefling ever since,.

As it turns out Tegno Caddwat is the next door neighbour to the Coppertonk family, so Tammy’s known him all her life. They’ve probably attended ‘wizard school’ together, and she admires him very much for all his amazing and intricate solutions (playing off Tegnos tendecy to always choose the complicated way of doing things).

Wide-eyed, innocent look at the world (rather uncommon for Tieflings. They’re often of a more sinister nature). She is naive when it comes to strangers. She needs to keep traditions., cause she’s probably feeling a bit rootless herself. Too big for everything. Allthough she would never complain about that, she knows no better.

Tammys Speech

Hello there. You look lonely sitting all by yourself like that. (smiles big) My name is Tammy. I’m a wizard. A real wizard. I know!!! Not as good a Wizard as…(looks behind her shoulder) Do you see that dashing gnome over there (pointing), dancing on the table in that fabulous red robe? That’s Tegno. He’s my best friend. You know, we grew up together, Tegno and me. Our parents lived right next to each other. Now he’s an amazing wizard. (her eyes gleaming with pride). He can set everything on fire.

And then we have the two barbarians arm wrestling each other. Right there at the end of the table. Do you see? Not from the same tribe mind you. No, poor Asvor had her home burned down. I think her entire forest even. Though I’m a little fuzzy on the details, cause we might have been drinking somewhat the night I met her. But I’m pretty sure t wasn’t Tegno who burned it down. Don’t get into a drinking contest with her though. That girl can hold her liqour. And Ragnvald too. I don’t know, do Barbarians take drinking lessons (looks puzzled). Anyway, we met his brother in this cave one time. Some gnolls or kobolds or…well, they smelled of wet dog..had caught him and tied him up. That’s not very nice, I say. Oh that reminds me of the time when Ragnvald was turned into a spider, and I hid him in my bra, so Tegno wouldn’t pull his legs of. Oh, don’t look so horrified, we didn’t know it was Ragnvald at the time. Besides I thought it was mighty clever of me hiding him in my bra. Who would ever go rummaging around there (looks down herself). See, no reason at all.

And lastly we have Borgrin and Berrin. No no…I know it sounds like it, but they’re really not brothers. Berrin is a holy paladin of the Lord of Light. He might even give you one of his pamphlets if you ask nicely. I have one right here (pulls a sheet of paper out her bag, filled with doodles all over). I’ve read it a few times, but I must admit I don’t really understand it. Walking with the light? Towards the light? (Leans forward and whispers to the stranger) can you keep a secret? I might have doodled in all his pamphlets. They looked so dull, I thought people might be more interested if there were pictures of suns, and light rays, and dragons and such. Just don’t tell him. He’ll probably get a little cross with me. And maybe turn into a gold statue again. He does that from time to time. I think maybe it has something to do with worshipping the light? And Borgrin, now there’s a dwarf if ever I met one. If you ever need a door opened, there’s the dwarf for the job. I don’t really get why the others say I have to be careful of my money pouch when he’s around. He’s my friend (a big smile crosses her face). He said so himself. And I know he would never lie to me. Now there’s these bad guys in this city that claims he’s done something he really shouldn’t have. I’m a little fuzzy on the details there as well. That night of drinking remember? I’m sure it’s just a big misunderstanding.

Oh you know (looks the stranger up and down), I just realised…that colour looks amazing on you. It really brings out your eyes. And you wear it so well. It reminds me of these guards I met once, who wanted to play a game of….(pulling her new best friend towards the party’s table, her voice trailing off in the midst of tavern talk)

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