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144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate

144artist paints Mantic's Terrain Crate

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Planting Some Ground Cover

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Once I had the plants painted and based I realized the green and brown tufts I own just didn’t look alien enough to go with them.  Fortunately there are any number of companies making ground cover for just such a dilemma.  I picked up a trio of Gamers Grass bright colors to try out.  While I was unsure about them at first I’ve really grown fond of them.  I ordered more to fill out the next bases I assemble.  They add a real Star Trek: Original Series feel to everything and definitely look alien.

Planting Some Ground Cover
Planting Some Ground Cover
Planting Some Ground Cover
Planting Some Ground Cover
Planting Some Ground Cover
I love these tiny plants that are included in the set.  I might have to kit bash some into their own plant.I love these tiny plants that are included in the set. I might have to kit bash some into their own plant.
I decided to darken the soil texture on the bases after this picture was taken.I decided to darken the soil texture on the bases after this picture was taken.

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Cult of Games Member

Welcome to Eden… great stuff! ?

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