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Napoleon of the West

Napoleon of the West

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Scenario one: The Siege

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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The historical campaign starts with the Mexican assault on the small garrison at the Alamo. Once they are dealt with santa Anna's force can advance into Texas to keep under Mexican control. Instead  of waiting for heavy siege guns to weaken the walls they launch an all out assault on the walls.The historical campaign starts with the Mexican assault on the small garrison at the Alamo. Once they are dealt with santa Anna's force can advance into Texas to keep under Mexican control. Instead of waiting for heavy siege guns to weaken the walls they launch an all out assault on the walls.
The scenario in the Alamo book represents the attack on the North Wall.The scenario in the Alamo book represents the attack on the North Wall.
My set up for the scenario. The walls are finley guarded against the avalanche of Mexicans. The Mexicans have to get four of their 8 units over the walls. My set up for the scenario. The walls are finley guarded against the avalanche of Mexicans. The Mexicans have to get four of their 8 units over the walls.
The initial assault was thinned by heavy fire but once they hit the wall their bayonets did the rest. Let's see if history repeats The initial assault was thinned by heavy fire but once they hit the wall their bayonets did the rest. Let's see if history repeats

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