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02 Hundred Hours - Intelligence Gathering

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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We had another chance to try out the 02 Hundred Hours rules last week. This time it was just me (playing the SAS) and “Broken Dice” who was running the DAK forces this time.

A change up in the scenario and this time we were playing the “Intelligence Gathering” scenario. Five locations were marked on the board with each marker a variable value. The SAS had to gather “3 points” of intelligence and the DAK had to “take out” at least half of the attackers.

With the patrol route planned and the objective markers (counters with flags) let battle commence.

It did not start well for me with the sergeant moving on the board with all the stealth of a “tap dancing” elephant and alerting the nearest German patrol. The only advantage was no one had direct line of sight.

3 other members of the patrol managed to move on without attracting attention and the sniper taking up position to provide covering fire as the other team members moved towards the objectives.

The last two members of the team weren’t as stealthy and came on thrashing through the undergrowth attracting the attention of the nearest enemy patrol.

Now one of the things you must get used to in the game if you are the defenders is your troops wandering off in random directions. The DAK sergeant decided to have a look at one of the huts instead of moving towards where the SAS patrol had entered the table.

However, he soon advanced towards the “noise” and straight into an ambush having spotted the SAS officer. The resulting gun fire did raise the “alarm level” enough so the “alarm was raised” and the DAK reinforcements could enter the fray.

As the SAS officer advanced to check on the first objective a “pair” of DAK sentries emerged around the corner (I didn’t get the right “action token” to get my officer to move first) and instead of trying to shoot him the sentries applied a rifle butt to the head and took him out of the game.

02 Hundred Hours - Intelligence Gathering

With the officer down the patrol was now targeted by one of my troopers who “opened up” with his SMG and missed. Unfortunately, the sniper didn’t have a shot as they were hiding behind the truck.

The other part of the patrol had also become entangled with an enemy patrol. The sentries worried about the SMG closed to close combat and managed to take out one of the troopers ☹️.

The gunfight was ongoing between the trooper and the sentries. The SAS sergeant having recovered from his earlier mishap now started to move to get behind the patrol and get to the objective marker.

Once he had got into position, he “opened up” with his SMG gaining three bonus dice as he was covert before firing, not in line of sight and had a clear view of the targets at the start of the action. This did not help as with six dice he failed to get any hits?.

Next the sniper tried to help out his beleaguered colleagues fighting the sentries but he also missed.

At this point the DAK dog handler appeared around the corner and released his “woofer” to launch an attack on the surviving SAS trooper. The trooper failed his save from being hit and was “taken out” by the dog!

So with 3 SAS attackers down the game was over and a victory went to “Broken Dice” and the DAK.

This second game played completely differently from our first game. As the SAS player I should have concentrated on staying covert and going for the objectives and not getting involved in firefights. You also need to get your head around a couple of the game mechanics. These are designed to represent moving and fighting in the dark so while it may seem strange you are not always moving where you want to go or having to take a move action to enable you to try and detect enemy, they do make sense.

Even though I lost it was an enjoyable game and did give a narrative feel with plenty of memorable moments.

02 Hundred Hours - Intelligence Gathering

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Cult of Games Member

congratulations @SirHumphreyRtd your project figures/models & terrain look fantastic.

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