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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Cult Starter Set: Yama Uba

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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We’ve been busy painting recently and there are quite a few models and terrain pieces on the painting bench that are almost complete. So with any luck, the pile of potential should reduce this month….

One such model that has rolled off the painting bench in Yama Uba. In Japanese folklore, there are many different tales of Yama Uba, seemingly with each prefecture having a different story. Some portray her as a young woman who wanders the hills, other stories talk of an unkempt old crone. Yet more stories talk of a woman that attacks travellers and eats those she kills through a mouth hidden in her hairline. This being the Cult of Yurei, the latter tales are likely the truest in Bushido’s manifestation of Yama Uba.

In game, Yama Uba is quite powerful, being one of the more expensive characters that can be taken by the Cult. Her stats are reasonable and her bonus skills give her fear as well as disguise meaning that if she doesn’t attack, she can close on enemy models who cannot attack her. Her Ki feats are why you take her though. Her first allows her to move 2″, even if locked in combat, so excellent for positioning and even moving behind an enemy model ready for a sneak attack into the back. The second Ki feat allows her to mimic any stat, ability or Ki feat of an enemy model that she is in base to base contact with. So simply pick an enemy model with a useful stat or ability and move Yama Uba in to copy it. Very handy!

Painting wise, I wanted a rich red. I’ve always been told that for a good red, you really need to darken the shadow areas. Normally, I shade red with a straight purple but here I’ve opted for a cavalry brown/purple mix to try to create a richer tone.

For the skin I’ve used Scale 75 Flesh Paint set and opted for a very light skin tone except around the face where I’ve gone for a more brownish hue. I usually paint my skin with a base of Golden Skin and then glaze the tone up/down from there using mixes of GS and the other colours in the skin paint set.

The sash/ribbon is the Cult purple, my theme colour to tie all of the models in the warband together. The hair is dark rubber given a black wash and then gently highlighted with a dark rubber and luftwaffe grey mix.

The basing is the same as for my other Cult models, again to create a degree of uniformity to the warband.

Nice dressNice dress
Lloyd ShotLloyd Shot
Probably takes a while to floss those teethProbably takes a while to floss those teeth

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