The Final Push - Lawnor approaches 100% painted
111 MTG: KDM Rawhide Heroes
Models remaining:
Batch: 0, Normal: 52, Luxury: 11, Modular: 48, Bits Box: 3, Terrain sets: 13, To Ship: ATO Wave 2, TSoH, KDM COD
Models Finished in Collection: 2934 Models since start of project: 620 out of 63 completed and still not done!
This weeks mission was all the Rawhide based KDM minis I had left to paint. I’ve got 5 of them done. I’ve also started work on the two Scouts of Death.
During Essen I ordered the Tale Spinner titan for Aeon Trespass and she’s just arrived today, so that’s 5 done, but one more to add to the queue. She’ll be my next job. if I can get 10 more models done before January I’ll have painted as many models as I’ve gained this year. Any extras actually put a dent in my Pile of Shame, instead of just keeping on top of it.
“De-pornified”? I don’t think you fully appreciate the point of KDM.
Only joking.
If Im going to put them on the table I want them to at least try to look plausable. Who would choose to run in to combat in just their undies?