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Last Roman Saga

Last Roman Saga

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My kitbash project

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I started off with some Wargames Factory chainmail bodies. I used the Wargames Factory arms as well because of the chainmail on the shoulders.I started off with some Wargames Factory chainmail bodies. I used the Wargames Factory arms as well because of the chainmail on the shoulders.
I chose to use cloaks from Wargames Atlantic Dark Age Irish sprues. The shields are perhaps from Conquest or from Wargames Factory (not sure). The swords are from Wargames Factory. Perhaps a little underweight compared to some swords around in my collection.I chose to use cloaks from Wargames Atlantic Dark Age Irish sprues. The shields are perhaps from Conquest or from Wargames Factory (not sure). The swords are from Wargames Factory. Perhaps a little underweight compared to some swords around in my collection.
Then I realised that I didn't need to limit myself to bare heads just because I didn't have Late Roman options. In the Gripping Beast generic Dark Age Cavalry box I found some Romanesque helms and some oval shields. Then I realised that I didn't need to limit myself to bare heads just because I didn't have Late Roman options. In the Gripping Beast generic Dark Age Cavalry box I found some Romanesque helms and some oval shields.
I knew that with two pairs of quite different builds that the paint job and shield design would need to be used to tie them together.I knew that with two pairs of quite different builds that the paint job and shield design would need to be used to tie them together.

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